Starter Kit Premium
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The Starter Kit Premium is a complete advanced starter kit for students perfect for AI, Robotics or Engineering courses.
The kit consists of over 30 different type of components, Modules and Sensors and you can make over 25 + projects with this kit.
This is one of the complete kit which contains almost all the commonly used electronic components. Complete with the development expansion board.
Item | Qty |
UNO R3 board + USB Cable | 1 |
Development expansion board | 1 |
830tie Points Breadboard | 1 |
LED emitter kit (red / blue / yellow / green ; each 5 pcs) | 30 |
74hc595 | 1 |
5V Active Buzzer | 1 |
Passive buzzer | 1 |
LDR 5516 photo resistor | 2 |
PN2222A | 2 |
Resistors 100R/220R/330K/470R/1K/10K/47K/ 100K/1M (10pcs/each) | 90 |
DC 5V Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 + ULN2003 Driver | 1 |
MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module 3.3V/5V | 1 |
Adjustable resistor 10K | 1 |
PS2 joystick Module | 1 |
1602 LCD display with Pin | 1 |
65pcs Shield cable Male to Male wire kit | 1 |
Infrared sensor receiver module HX1838 | 1 |
Dupont Jumper Wires cable | 10 |
SG90 180 Degrees - 9G Micro Servo Motor | 1 |
DHT11 Temperature | 1 |
5V 1 Channel Relay Module | 1 |
SW-520D tilt switch Ball Type | 1 |
Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 | 1 |
Precision 1% thermistor NTC | 1 |
9V battery snap | 1 |
Seven-segment display (1-digit) | 1 |
Seven-segment display (4-digit) | 1 |
Push button switches | 5 |
Remote control | 1 |
3V-6V DC Hobby Motor with fun | 1 |
L293D chip | 1 |
4Pin 5mm RGB light | 1 |
MIC line rectifier diode 1N4007 | 2 |
Plastic Box | 1 |